Human Resources FAQ
Learn more about HR - get hired, hire, train, improve, engage, understand, evolve...
Why Committed Employees Are Harder and Harder to Find. Have You Heard About the Hawkins Map of Consciousness and the Schumann Resonance?
Workplace Stress Management & Raising Your Vibration Course for Corporate Employees
You can't give up your job, or at least not yet. Being an entrepreneur is not for you or you are not ready yet. But you want to be better now. So, how do you do it? Well, there are a few techniques you can use right now, right on the spot as you still work for your dream corporation. Check them out. Awareness never hurt anybody.
In the second part we will cover more advanced and complex issues like programming water, understanding disease, healing, the power of food and air, Neuro-linguistic programming and changing your mental blockages, attracting what you want in your life through gratitude and releasing negative feelings through forgiveness.
Let's get to it. Love, Geo
Human Resources - Trends

Been Rejected a While Ago - Apply Again?
High Turnover Rate - Negative AND Positive
- skilled people leave the team which means more work for the rest until they are replaced;
- people are forced into difficult decisions - leaving their team, the people they know, a job they sometimes like;
- people are forced into change - sometimes this is good, but the initial impact is tough to handle;
- it means time wasted by HR to fill the position;
- it means more time and effort put by all administrative departments to prepare all logistic details for the new employee - badge, computer, other devices needed, special equipment, internet and email accounts, contract, registration with the authorities;
- time and effort put by all administrative departments to prepare all logistic details for the employee leaving - cancelling badge, computer, other devices needed, special equipment, closing internet and email accounts, contract, telling the authorities;
- it means more time and effort put into training for the new employee by his/her manager and team;
- it means money wasted on job ads, recruitment agency work, paperwork,
- People with a great seniority in the company earn high salaries after a few years. This means higher costs for the company, even if they are skilled and they offer benefits on the long term. On the short term, this means high costs. Letting them leave and hiring younger, less experienced employees means lower salaries and cost saving on the short term. Some companies with financial difficulties might consider that. They might be interested in cost saving now, not the company perspective in 20 years;
- New people mean new perspectives on things, on the business, on work inside teams;
- New employees mean changes implemented easier - they are more flexible and accept a new way of doing things easier since they are not so connected to the old ways anyway;
Motivating Your Employees - Change Your Attitude
What can you do as a manager to motivate your team from this point of view?
What else would you add to my list?
Take care,
I Hate My Job and My Life! Solutions that Help…
What you hate | Who can help | Potential solution/s |
Job – too many tasks | Your manager | Discuss openly and try to explain that tasks have piled up in time and you no longer have the time for all of them |
Job – acceptable volume of tasks, but boring | Your manager | Discuss openly to see if your manager can redistribute tasks between the members of your team – maybe one of your other colleagues can give you something that is interesting to you; if you are interested in management tasks, maybe your manager can delegate some of his own |
Job – difficult tasks you have no clue how to solve | Your manager Your colleagues HR | Try to see if your manager or some of your colleagues can help you solve your tasks, maybe they are more experienced; if not, try to get involved in training sessions, maybe the initial training you had when you got hired wasn’t enough or maybe tasks changed over time and you were overwhelmed by the changes |
Job – no tools to do it | Your manager | You don’t have the PC you need, not enough paper, not enough access to the system, no access to a printer, no specific software that might help, whatever there is necessary, just ask for it. Sometimes there’s no money for what you need and you need to manage, but sometimes nobody thought you needed it since you didn’t ask. Maybe the person on the job before you didn’t know how to use MS Access to reduce reporting time, but you do, so just ask. If they can’t offer you what you need, check if you can bring your own. Sometimes the company can’t afford to buy you a Blackberry. They just give you a plain mobile. Try to see if you can use your own and maybe they pay something for it. In this way, you get to improve your work, make it easier and they pay for only part of a new Blackberry. Some companies accept this ‘bring your own device’ system. |
Job – all about it, I need a career change | Your manager HR | See if there’s anything else available in your company. If not, leave… |
All the above sound ideal, but what do you do when you find no support in your manager? Believe me it can happen…what do you do whan your manager is weak, is inexperienced, can control his/her team only be means of force, only by imposing absurd limits (you get in great trouble if you are 2 minutes late, you get shouted at a lot, you get tasks that he/she is not able to solve and you know it)…trust me all this can happen, there’s no ideal company, team or manager. Maybe they were promoted for being a great communicator, but they lack experience, strenght in tough situations, they control the team only by force because of their lack of real confidence in themselves. A lot of managers practice mobbing to control teams that are better than they are. Also, maybe there’s something they know, but it’s confidential and they can’t explain their decisions to you. So what do you do then? | ||
Manager | Higher level manager | Try discussing at first with your manager and tell them openly what your concerns are, then with a top level manager. If nothing changes, it’s time to leave. Here’s something you can’t control. |
Colleagues | Colleagues themselves Manager | At first try a friendly talk with those that bother you – maybe they don’t give you something you need to do your job on time, maybe they are lazy and you need to do more work because of that, maybe they boss you around, maybe they want to get promoted and they clearly try to put you in bad light in front of the manager - discuss about everything, maybe they have issues themselves and you can help. Maybe they have problems at home and it’s just a phase. Clear the air by starting an honest talk. If that doesn’t help, try your manager in a private talk then in a meeting between the three of you. If that still doesn’t work, try changing the team or try a higher manager. |
Schedule | Manager Colleagues | Try discussing with your manager to see if a change of shift is possible. Maybe night shifts are not for you, but there may be other colleagues willing to accept them for extra money since extra money is paid for night shifts. If your manager agrees, try discussing with your colleagues to see who is willing to switch. One more thing you can try – see if working from home, at least for part of the working time is possible. If your job allows that, working a night shift at home in your pijamas and then going to sleep immediately after is different from coming to the office by bus, working the night shift and then taking the bus home again. You waste 1-2 hours of your own time and it makes a difference. |
Compansation | Manager | If your manager can’t help, then this is difficult to solve. Sometimes budgets are very tight, especially if you work in a low cost area like Eastern Europe or India. Managers themselves are poorly paid there too. Even in multinationals, budgets are approved abroad ‘on the mother ship’ and they are low, low for you. Let’s be honest and face it. They opened the subsidiary in your country to do cost saving, not to make you rich. That’s life. Try finding out if a promotion is possible, if they have other positions available in the near future. If not, find a richer company. There are companies which increase salaries for some lower level positions yearly by only 15-20 USD (around 10-15 Euro). That’s frustrating, but that’s all the mother ship in some rich West European country approves. Hey, they are used to a different level of salaries and they need to keep it. Your job is to do the same amount of work for much less money. That’s why they opened your position in the first place. If a higher salary is not possible due to high taxas paid by the company to the authorities, try suggesting some other type of compensation you would be happy with - more vacation days, specific vouchers, a gift for your birthday, the company paying for gas for your car to come to work - try, maybe some of these can be easier approved. |
Work environment | Manager Building administrator | It depends from company to company. Think about what is bothering you – too cold in the building, too hot, not enough smoking areas, desks too small, too many people in the room, bad coffee in the kitchen, not enough toilet paper, I don’t know. Find out who is responsible and talk. Maybe they are not doing their job properly. Talk to them, to your manager, to their manager…sometimes things change. Sometimes it’s all about costs and things can’t change. It depends. At least try to see what is there to be done. Maybe talk to some of your colleagues and try addressing the issue together. Sometimes a larger group can force change. |
How to Have a Successful Career
What to Do as a Manager When Your Team Falls Apart – Prevent & Cure
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'Abandon all preconceptions, mental blocks and HR clichés ye who enter here'. Prepare for the unexpected. This is not going to b...
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