- there are less employees willing to be submissive labor units, mostly those around 40+ are still available . The rest want less work, less restrictions, more flexibility, more money, more personal time;
- there are more employees willing to work online;
- there are more employees asking for a flexible schedule - they prefer a task oriented job rather than a full time 9 to 5 in the office; they don't mind working Saturdays, Sundays or evenings as long as you give them their free time when they need it;
- diplomas value less and less - government positions still require it, but private employers ask for abilities, knowledge and attitude rather than a certified diploma;
- employees ask for respect and are willing to leave asap if they don't get it - being fearful of not getting a new job is a past issue;
- young people are attracted more to fast money rather than a solid career - you will find more vloggers than students preparing to become doctors, lawyers and so on;
- forget about pensions and retirement plans - young people don't hope to get that and start focusing on investing and being antrepreneurs - if you want young smart employees, forget about keeping them on the longterm - instead help them grow and accept they will leave soon to something better, unless you have some profit sharing plans for them;
- young people search for the new, the interesting, the cool - they are smart and want new challenges - make sure you offer them that; they have high self esteem;
- young people are brilliant, learn extremely fast, but are independent and not easily managed; they are extremely computer savvy and technically litterate; you as employers need to understand and use that;
- the new employees will choose you, the employer, not the other way around. If they feel good, they will stay; they are not afraid of not being able to find a source of money - they are not too keen on a standard job anyway; they hate conditions and hierarchies;
- employers must be fast and concise - in publishing an ad, in explaining job requirements and tasks, in communication in general - the new generation of employees has a short attention span, prefer short, clear messages, preferably online,
So, be flexible, be smart and stay ahead of the other employers by knowing your candidates and by trying to offer them what they want.
Picture: https://gratisography.com/