Best HR Junior Blog 2012 - Nominations - Update

Dear all,

I come back with more details concerning my crusade through HR blogs. I must admit that I am really disappointed so far. I have been through almost 70!!! HR blogs registered on Technorati and Blog Catalog and the only blog that can be nominated for Top HR Junior Blog is the one below that I mentioned yesterday.

As for the rest:
- They had broken links, suspended accounts, free hosting service had deleted the content or were open for invited users only;
- They had only a few posts that promoted the company's product or service (HR software or recruitment services mostly);
- They had inconsistent posting - posts from July and then December;
- A lot of them were abandoned since 2007 or 2009;
- They were blogs with English description, but posts in other languages that not everybody would understand (Chinese included).

So, coming back to my only nomination so far...I will start with a blog that has been recommended to me by a user on Blog Catalog. Main topic is recruitment and selection (but not only), writer Lars Schmidt and what impressed me the most about it is the great response that it has from readers. Please find details below:

Author Lars Schmidt
Criteria % Details Total
Total number of posts 15% 37 5.55
Google Page rank 10% 3 0.3
Total number of comments from readers 15% 178 26.7
Blogger's HR relevant profile 20% 14 2.8
Number of posts with advice that can be actually applied practically 25% 30 7.5
Number of months the blog has been live 5% 8 0.4
Consistency 10% 10 1
100% 43.25

I will come back during the next days with more nominations (I hope!).


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