Recruitment and Selection: Are You a Recruiter?

Here are some questions and tasks you can give to candidates at the interview if you are selecting a person for the human resources department to perform the function of recruiter:

1.       Please write below what recruiting and selection means to you.
2.       Can be recruiting considered a motivation factor?
3.       What are the main tasks involved in the job of a recruiter?
4.       What recruiting channels do you know?
5.       Please describe in details the recruiting process for the following project:

You need to hire 10 German and English speakers (German fluent, English medium) and 5 English speakers (English fluent) for a new client on the following positions:
1 team leader – English speaker
2 senior agents – 1 German, 1 English
1 administrative support – German
11 agents – 8 German, 3 English
           What are the steps you take, the channels you use and the time frames you consider suitable.

6.       Please describe in details the recruiting process for the following project:
You have a team leader position that is filled in by somebody in the team - promotion. How do you back fill the open position remaining in the team after the promotion? 

7.       Please describe in details the recruiting process for the following project:
You need to hire 3 fluent Italian speakers (with medium English) and Linux/UNIX skills.

8.   You are interviewing a candidate that says he has team leader potential but no real team leader experience. What questions would you ask that person in order to see their real potential for a TL position?

9.   One of your colleagues from sales asks you the following question: we would like to see if Iyour city has potential for hiring 5 fluent Portuguese speakers; if yes, what would be the time frames and the salaries that the candidates might accept. What do you do in order to answer this question?
10.   You need to hire 5 great sales agents. What questions would you ask at the interview?
11.   You need to assess if a candidate has good attention to details skills. How do you do that?

I will come back with more...

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